Dr. Alexander Yakobson, b. Moscow 1959, family immigrated to Israel 1973, BA in History and Political Science, Hebrew University, 1985; MA in Ancient History, Hebrew University, 1989; PhD in Anciet History, Hebrew University 1995; PhD dissertation: "Elections and canvassing in the late Roman Republic."; 1995 - 1997: lecturer in Ancient History, Haifa University; 1998 - lecturer in Ancient History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 2000 - senior lecturer, Ancient History, Hebrew University.
In Ancient History: Main field of research: democracy, popular politics, public opinion and elections in the Classical World, mostly in the late Roman Republic. Working now on early Imperial themes: Augustus, Tiberius, the status of the imperial family. Apart from various papers, published a book entitled:
"Elections and Electioneering in Rome: a Study in the Political System of the Late Republic", Histoiria Einzelschriften, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1999.
Current Research (other than Ancient History): democracy, national identity, nation-state and the rights of national minorities - in Israel and in Western democracies.
A book (co-author: Prof. Amnon Rubinstein) dealing with these subjects, published by the Shoken Publishing House:
Israel and the Family of Nations - Jewish Nation-State and Human Rights (Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, 2003).
French translation: Israël et les nations. L’État-nation juif et les droits de l-homme, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 2006.